cocoa butter - null

Čárový kód: 0102200329032(EAN / EAN-13) 102200329032 (UPC / UPC-A)

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→Ingredience jsou uvedeny v pořadí podle důležitosti (množství).

HYDRAT PluS Cocoa Butter Le Lait-Vaseline HYDRAT PLUS Cocoa Butter hydrate la peau en profondeur. Il aide à estomper les petites imperfections et illumine le teint. Il apaise l'épiderme après une exposition au soleil et au vent sec et est recommandé pour lutter contre les vergetures. The Vaseline Body Milk HYDRAT PLUS Cocoa Butter deeply moisturizes the skin. It helps reduce small imperfections and brighten the complexion. It helps soothe the skin after exposure to sun and wind and is recommended to help fight against stretch marks. O Leite-Vaselina HYDRAT PLUS Cocoa Butter hidrata profundamente a pele. Ele ajuda a reduzir pequenas imperfeições e clarear a pele. Ele ajuda a acalmar a pele após a exposição ao sol e vento. e é recomendado para combater as estrias. ING: Aqualwater), Cetearyl Alcohol(and) Soduim Lauryl Sulfate (and) Sodium Celearyl Sulfate. Mineral Oil, Isopropyl Myristate, Dimethicone, Cocoa Butter, BHT, Glycerin, Methyiparoben & Propylparaben, Carbomer, C19140, Frogrance. SIVOP parfums & cosmétiques Cl: TG: 12 M 250 ml e 8.45 fl.oz. NAFDAC Reg N° 454 6'181100 329032

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